Turn where?

We made our way towards the edge of wagons, a fine worn alley that was almost bare of grass as most young men would play with leather balls, staffs, and blunt lances there. A ground between the wrap of first wagons and the second, as all young men were equal in all ways as Warriors here. I watched a few spar in wrestling moves. I didn't watch for long as my Brother and the men started towards a group to the east. I lifted my hand so the last bug left would move into the thick of my braid, as the men spoke with the other men, one I had met before. I would just watch from the side. I couldn't hear everything that was being said, but a few pieces here and there. I saw my Brother point to me a few times, which sent a few flush waves of warmth through me as he pointed all would look.

Call it a young girls crush, but our Ubar is handsome. Yes, perhaps he might be close to twice my age, but he is very handsome. I was happy to see I wasn't the only one that thought this, when Kayla walked up, a friend of mine, just a year older then me, saying the same thing. I could only give Kayla a huge hug, I was so happy to see her! She laughed, saying I was going to mess up her braid, and there were young first wagon Warriors around!

We started to look around and both of us laughed seeing a group of girls around doing the same thing we were! A few were rushed off by older brothers telling them to get back to work, or threatening to tell their Fathers.

I stood there for what felt like an ahn, before I saw my brother and the Ubar grasp arms and he walk back towards me, telling we are going home.

Grandmother set bowls of boil meat in broth before us as he spoke to me. He said I would train under a Haruspex from a long line further recorded by the year keepers then our own. She was called Jo, and my Brother said he once had a thing for her sister Spiirit. I had to laugh softly, thinking of him crushing on anyone. I was so very thrilled. I was given a teacher. A starting one for there would be many in my learning, but I was finally starting. I asked him...why he allowed me to fail at first? He said perhaps it was denial on his part. Fear of my soul might have its tender essence of our Mother. Maybe he wanted to keep me young, and home. He had to let me see, learn, stretch out beyond our wagons and those of near neighbors. For how do we know to respect a bitch sleen if we don't see her bite first? That made so much sense to me. I let the run of juices down my fingers fall back into my bowl. The rich dark broth giving its dance of ringlets across the surface as I could see the haze of my reflection in it also.

I let them talk of things as I walked out after the meal, looking for a variety of things on a list. A leather satchel at my shoulder, and a hooked root knife at my hip, I walked the plains looking over the sparse of grass, and the lines of lowering water. So close was the time. I found clover between the wilt of plains flowers. I wondered why it was still there, had the verr herds missed it? I couldn't bring myself to pull it from the ground, pressing my palms upon the ground, I lowered feeling every bit of grass trace my form. I would dip down to smell the rich tart and green smell of the clove still in the earth. I could smell the grass, the dirt, the light sour of the dying flowers, but it was the clovers send that filled my lungs and rejuvenated me. There was a sound of my own laughter watching the Warrior of the Sky land on one of the leaves. He claimed it his. He knew things he would show me when I needed to know. I would dig it up placing it in a small little jar I had brought for roots. I would find who this belongs to, I knew the Warrior would show me.